May 1, 2018
by The Underline
We are pleased to share the exciting progress of The Underline project. Miami-Dade County Transportation and Public Works Department in partnership with Friends of The Underline have made rapid progress in advancing this transformative 10-mile transportation, recreational and public space initiative.
Championed by Mayor Carlos Gimenez, The Underline’s first phase Brickell Backyard has received notice to proceed for the construction phase from the Florida Department of Transportation. This phase, when completed, will extend from the Miami River to Coral Way and it will feature two trails, one for pedestrians and one for bicyclists, an outdoor gym for both basketball, soccer, plus stretching and strengthening equipment, a dog friendly area, group exercise park, performance stage, communal and gaming tables, food concessions, bike parking, and public art. Additionally the intersections/crossings at SW 7th, 8th and 13th Streets will be enhanced to improve cyclist and pedestrian safety.
Miami-Dade County will be leading the construction phase of The Underline and will advertise for competitive bids in May with the goal of beginning construction by the end of the year.
Phase II of the project from Coral Way to SW 19th Avenue will begin advertising for a design build team on the 3rd quarter of this year. This 2.14 mile segment will feature the two trails running through the Roads, Vizcaya and Silver Bluff neighborhoods. A public meeting notice will be sent to solicit community input on this trail segment. Crossings at SW 16th, 17th and 19th Avenues will be improved for enhanced user safety and will be implemented by our partner FDOT.
Make sure to follow @theunderlinemia and visit our website regularly for more project updates soon.