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League of American Bicyclists Endorses The Underline

April 28, 2015
by The Underline

On behalf of the members and affiliates of the League of American Bicyclists, I am writing to express our support for two exciting trail projects in the Miami-Dade County area.  The Ludlam and Underline trails are outstanding examples of the kinds of infrastructure investment our communities need – cost-effective projects that address multiple needs and serve a wide swathe of the population. The adaptive re-use of existing urban corridors to provide transportation, recreation, health and environmental services is a smLeague of American Bicylcists Letter of Support - UNDERLINE-LUDLAM TRAIL-1art investment of tax dollars that will leave a lasting legacy.

The Underline trail is particularly exciting as it enables seamless connections to the transit system, enabling more people to use the Metrorail system as well as the trail.  People on foot and on bike – who often have few alternatives – deserve a quality facility to ensure their safety, comfort and convenience.

… In community after community we have seen signature projects such as these provide a real catalyst for change – instilling pride in neighborhoods that have often lacked investment, and inspiring people to see a brighter future with ore choices and options for residents and visitors alike.  I hope these priority greenway projects can become reality in the very near future …

Andy Clarke
President, League of American Bicyclists