September 2, 2014
by The Underline
We are so excited! Miami Herald featured the GreenLink (now The Underline) on April 3rd with four Op-Ed submissions from GreenLink Founder Meg Daly, UM School of Architecture Professor Rocco Ceo, Arquitectonica’s Ray Fort and Miami-Dade County Parks, Recreation and Open Spaces’ Jack Kardys and Maria Nardi. Thanks, Miami Herald for acknowledging our “Call to Action.”
Click here for the digital version of “I had a crazy idea” by Friends of the GreenLink Founder Meg Daly.
Click here for the digital version of “We need to make the most of what we have” by Jack Kardys and Maria Nardi of Miami Dade County Parks, Recreation and Open Spaces department.
Click here for the digital version of “A greener way to get from Point A to Point B” by Ray Fort and Malone Matson.
Click here for the digital version of “An Academic Exercise” by UM School of Architecture professor Rocco Ceo.