Jun 20, 2020
10:00 am | 11:00 am
The Third Eye Session is the sixth of seven Chakras we will explore in 2020. Located at the forehead between the eyebrows, the third eye chakra is the center of intuition and foresight. During the class, instructor Anny Noratto helps you explore this chakra’s principles of openness and imagination.
Connect on the mat and find your zen [virtually].
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The Underline Yoga is free with the generous support of our exclusive health and wellness partner Baptist Health South Florida. Participants who are able, are encouraged to make a donation of any amount at theunderline.org/donate, or when you register, to support our free programming throughout the year.
Visit theunderline.org to receive updates on other Underline programs and events and to make a donation of any amount to support our vision and mission. And, follow us @theunderlinemia on Facebook, Twitter, and Instagram. Use #UnderlineYoga to be included in our social media.
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