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The Underline Brickell Backyard Construction Update

April 15, 2019
by The Underline

A new and exciting update from Miami-Dade County Department of Transportation and Public Works, The Underline Brickell Backyard construction is on schedule! Safety fencing is being erected near the Brickell Metrorail Station, the site of The Underline Brickell Backyard’s Promenade. With opening scheduled for June 2020, we are eager to walk, bike, play with you surrounded by native vegetation, butterfly gardens, basketball court, mini pitch soccer and the best dog parks in town.

Please see the full report below:

The Miami-Dade County Department of Transportation and Public Works (DTPW) has begun work on the first phase of The Underline – the Brickell Backyard. The Brickell Backyard project consists of a half-mile long segment below Metrorail that extends from the Miami River to SW l31h Street (Coral Way).

Construction is progressing according to schedule. As part of safety, a construction fence will be erected between SW 1st Court and SW 1st Avenue, from SW 91h Street to SW 101h Street providing for a 5′ sidewalk for access by pedestrians and transit riders. The sidewalk width follows the Miami-Dade County and the Florida Department of Transportation (FOOT) construction guidelines. Please see attached photos. ·

During the remainder of construction, the existing concrete seat wall will not be accessible. This wall will be removed during construction_ To mitigate this inconvenience to transit riders, DTPW is working with the City of Miami to identify temporary bus benches that can be installed to allow for seating while still complying with the Americans with Disability Act (ADA) path clearances. The bus stop signs will be relocated and attached to the fence.

This past month, the contractor began installing the construction fence on the north end of this area and will continue the installation during the next three to four weeks. The Department will make the proper notifications to transit riders in coordination with the City of Miami and the Miami Downtown Development Authority (DDA) office.

Here is a breakdown of other work that will be taking place in the construction area in the weeks to come:

Week of April 8th:

  • Fencing will be extended on the west side ofSW First Avenue, between SW gth and h streets, to include 9 parking spots. This will allow for the installation of required deep injection wells_ Pedestrians will be routed to the east side of 151 Avenue, using crossings at SW gth Street and SW 9th Street. This phase will last approximately two months (scheduled to be completed the week of June 10th).
  • Fencing will be erected within the inner portion of the area between SW 9th and 10th streets, along both SW 1st Court and SW 1st Avenue to construct inner portion of the block. A 5′ sidewalk will be maintained for pedestrians along the perimeter. The west/east crosswalk in the middle of the block will be closed. Phase will last one month. (Scheduled to be completed the week of May 6th).

Week of May 6th:

  • Pedestrians will be routed with Longitudinal Channeling Devices (LCDs) to the roadway of SW First Court, where the new edge of pavement will be, once construction is completed. This area will then be tapered back to the bus bay area. In addition, the bus bay will be shortened; therefore, two bus stops will need to be relocated. The Department will update information regarding bus relocations once that information is available. This phase will last approximately one-and-a-half to two months (scheduled to be completed the week of July 1st).

Week of July 1st:

  • Switch fencing to construct the outer portion of both SW First Avenue and SW First Court, between SW 9th and 10th streets. Pedestrians will be routed to the new sidewalk on the east side of SW First Court. A pathway also will be open for pedestrians on the west side of SW First Avenue. This phase will last approximately one month (scheduled to be completed the week of August 5th).

Week of August 5th:

  • At this time, the contractor is scheduled to build the area in front of the Brickell Metrorail station. To ensure access to the Metrorail station, the sidewalks and plaza will be rebuilt in two sections. This phase will last approximately one week (scheduled to be completed the week of August 12th).

All scheduled dates are approximate and are subject to change due to weather conditions and/or unforeseen circumstances.

The Underline will enhance communities and improve pedestrian and bicyclist safety by providing new dedicated pedestrian and bicycle trails, an improvement of three signalized intersections, reconfiguration ofbus bays at the bus patron seating areas Brickell Metrorail station, and enhanced lighting and landscaping.

The Brickell Backyard project also will bring a number of amenities that include:

  • An outdoor gym area with a basketball court and gym equipment with space for group exercise classes
  • An outdoor stage for concerts, movies, yoga and other group activities
  • An outdoor dining area and gaming tables
  • A dog friendly area, butterfly gardens, public art and more

The project is anticipated to be completed in June 2020.

Your patience is appreciated as Miami-Dade County and Friends of The Underline work to transform the underutilized land below Miami’s Metrorail system into a 10-mile linear park, world-class urban trail and living art destination that will also serve as an anchor for smart development.