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LoveBike winner: Robert Fitzgerald

January 24, 2015
by The Underline

LoveBike winner Robert FitzgeraldThe LoveBike winner of a VanMoof bike is Robert Fitzgerald, Sculptor and teacher at UM. Here’s his winning entry:

What I like/don’t like about biking in Miami, 30 words or less:
The two best things about biking in Miami are the weather and the relative flatness of the topography which makes for a smooth and quick ride.

What I like/don’t like about biking in Miami, 250 words or less:
Thoughts on biking in Miami from a new resident previously based in SF, Baltimore and Boston.

In Miami there needs to be a clear vision from the City on safety of pedestrians, bikes and cars.

Certain areas are problematic due to no crosswalks/signs, autos driving in bike lanes and running lights, pedestrians jaywalking, bikers running lights, riding on sidewalks, etc.

How about “Slow Down Miami and Enjoy the Ride”? School presentations in conjunction with bike safety, helmet giveaways, billboards, car free Sundays (like Bogota, etc). Get the mayor and council members on bikes, Bike To Work days, more bike safe lit parking, ticket those without lights, etc.

Congratulations Robert … happy trails!