November 17, 2014
by The Underline
Welcome to The Underline’s Master Plan RFQ page!
We are excited that you are interested in the RFQ (Request For Qualifications) for The Underline’s Master Plan.
About The Underline:
The Underline is Miami-Dade County’s most exciting public space initiative today. Friends of The Underline, in collaboration with Miami-Dade County, want to transform 10 miles of underutilized land beneath Miami’s Metrorail from Dadeland South Metrorail Station near Dadeland Blvd (SW 72 Ct.) to the Miami River, into an iconic linear promenade with world-class bicycle and pedestrian commuter/exercise urban trail. For more information visit
The Underline Goals:
To connect communities, improve pedestrian and bicyclist safety, create hundreds of acres of new green space with restored natural habitats, encourage a healthy lifestyle, provide an easily accessible place to exercise and recreate, create a mobility corridor that integrates transit, car, biking and walking, attract development along US1, and generate significant economic impact.
The RFQ sponsor:
Friends of The Underline is a 501C3 non-profit organization that is responsible for advocacy and funding for the development of The Underline. The organization is also responsible for funding and administrating The Underline’s master plan RFQ process.
Request an RFQ:
Email using the subject line: Underline RFQ request. Please provide contact name, title, business, address, email and website. The RFQ, in Word format, will be sent to you via email within 24-hours.
Master Plan Budget:
The Schedule:
RFQ available on request beginning: November 17, 2014
Public presentation: Completed December 3, 2014
Questions fielded through: December 18, 2014
All answers to questions posted by: December 22, 2014
RFQs received through: January 7, 2015, 5 PM ET
“Final three” selection: January 26, 2015
Affidavits due by the three selected finalists due by: January 30, 2015, 5 PM ET
Finalist interviews in Miami: February 2, 2015
Selected firm negotiations begin: February 4, 2015
Notice to Proceed: February 18, 2015
Master plan completion: Within 6 months of Notice to Proceed
RFQ Questions & Answers:
Direct all questions to by December 18, 2014. Answers will be replied to each person asking the question, as well as everyone who has requested an RFQ. Questions and answers will be posted anonymously on this page for reference. The RFQ has more details. Thank you for your interest in The Underline Master Plan RFQ. We look forward to hearing from you.
RFQ Questions & Answers 12/11/14:
1. Question re: Project Development Report
Could you please explain what you mean by “Project Development Report” on page 5 of the RFQ? There is a very technical Project Development Report which is a highly-detailed and very expensive report requiring engineering and other skilled analysis to produce the report. Is that what you are referring to?
Our reference to Project Development Report is simply a status report on an ongoing basis. This should not add and we didn’t intend to add substantial cost to the masterplanning process for this production and maintenance of this report.
2. Question re: sub-contractor team limit
Is there a limit on the number of teams a subcontractor can join?
No, there is no limit
3. Question re: DBE qualification
Do minority owned or female-owned businesses qualify as DBEs?
Only state (from any state) registered DBEs qualify
4. Question: if you don’t want a bound copy, how would you like us to secure the RFQ?
A binder clip would be great.
5. Question: re: Survey
You indicate that we need to have a surveyor on our team, in our experience given the projects size an entire site survey would exceed the budget for this phase. A survey is not listed as a deliverable. Can you provide more information about what role you expect them to take on as a required sub?
A survey is not required for this commission. We will remove the surveyor as part of the team in the RFQ addendum
6. Question: Will any of the studies listed in the RFP be made available?
The RFQ provides a Dropbox link with access to an existing site plan. Other studies will be provided to the DC as the information is quite extensive.
7. Question: Can you share the list of companies/individuals who have requested the RFQ?
The list is available on request.
8. Can an Underline committee member submit a masterplanning RFQ?
Committee members have been asked to resign from the committee during the RFQ process.
9. I see there are word limits for various sections of our response. Is there a page limit?
There is not a page limit, only a word limit.
10. Please explain your understanding of what a geo-technical engineer will do during the master plan process.
A geo-technical engineer will not be required for the master plan process and has been removed in the RFQ addendum
11. Word limit firm experience
Under firm experience and references, an 800 word limit is provided. Does the limit apply to all three projects, or is the limit for each project?
800 words total for the three projects.
12. Project to list first
The firm experience and references section asks us to list the most recent project first. The next sentence asks us to list the most relevant project first. Which type of project shall we list first?
Please list the most relevant work first. Not the most recent.
13. Can consultants contribute towards the 3 projects?
Or must the projects be submitted only by the prime firm? If we have a consultant with a lot of great experience, can we also list project experience for them, in addition to the 3 projects?
Consultant work can be included with the three projects, however, the DC must have done at least one of the three projects.
14. Can an additional “support” team member/DBE be added after Jan. 8th, should we be lucky enough to make finalist?
Your DBE team member to satisfy the 20% requirement should be identified with the RFQ submission on December 17th. However, if you want to add more DBE team members after that date, that is fine.
15. The RFQ states that the Lead must have designed and built transit-related linear parks for a minimum cost of $30 million. Will you consider teams with relevant experience and built projects that do not meet that precise requirement?
We will leave this exception up to the discretion of the selection committee.
16. Who is on the selection committee?
We are not disclosing the selection committee members at this time.
17. Under Invitation, do you want to have implementation documents as well?
Yes, “… responsible for the preparation of a masterplan and implementation documents for The Underline and Phase I ….”
18. Under Plan of Services, you refer to sub-contractors (selection and suggested sub-contractors), do you mean sub-consultants?
Yes, we are referring to sub-consultants.
19. Under Plan of Services, you say “Completion less than 6 months from engagement date” … what about FTA approval?
FTA will be a reviewing agency but will not review until the masterplan is completed within the 6-month timeframe. Once FTA has reviewed the masterplan, there may be additional changes required which must be addressed in the timely fashion by the DC.
20. There is a 20% goal stated for DBE firm participation. Is this a mandatory goal, or an aspirational goal?
This is a mandatory goal with “good faith effort” to achieve this goal, in accordance with 49 CFR part 26, Appendix A.
21. I assume the 20% is related to compensation, not make-up of team?
The DBE goal is 20% of compensation, regardless of the team composition.
22. Who will be the contracting party for the master plan?
Friends of The Underline, Inc.
23. What role will the 501C3 play in the master plan phase and later phases vs. any public body like county or municipalities?
The 501C3 is and will be integrally involved in a leadership and coordinating position with county agencies in the master planning, subsequent design and construction of The Underline.
24. Can you confirm that the list on p. 7, under 4. Project General Requirements, applies only to the selected team, not the RFQ response?
This section is a requirement of the contracted Design Consultant (the selected DC), not the RFQ responders.
25.Can you discuss who will be the Project Manager?
When the Design Consultant team is selected, the Project Manager will be engaged.
26. How many different firms have contacted you?
Over 80 firms/entities have contacted us
27. What is the role of the marketer/public relations person? Community engagement? Selling a product?
This is a high-profile project. A marketing and/or public relations professional will assist you in dealing with public meetings, community engagement and media contact. This individual will also coordinate with The Friends of The Underline’s agency of record and PR team, as well as county marketing and public relations staff.
If you have a marketing and/or public relations professional on staff, this professional will account for the necessary team member. This is a recommendation and not a requirement. Please see Addendum II Project Team rewrite.
28. What role do you see the Architect playing in this project?
While this is primarily a landscape architecture project, having an architect on board allows for the exploration of architectural design. This is a recommendation and not a requirement. Please see Addendum II Project Team rewrite.
29. Is the lead / prime consultant required to be a landscape architect?
30. What is the funding source of this project? Design? Construction?
The funding source for the master plan is from three municipalities and three foundations. Final design and construction funding has not been secured but is being identified.
31. Who holds the contract and who are the primary program managers that the DC will be interfacing with (both Friends of the Underline and County Project Manager)?
The primary liaison is Friends of The Underline and its Project Manager. The Friends organization will interface with county agencies and other parties as needed.
32. If committee members are no longer on the board are they allowed to become part of or advise a submittal team?
33. To what extent is the project subject to FDOT standards for project delivery (e.g., ETDM and PD&E process)?
FDOT and FTA requirements need to be followed in the QA/QC plan as well as the master planning document.
34. Is the contact information for consultants counted against the 500-word limit on the Statement of Interest, and can the contact information be included in ‘Project Team Information’ instead?
Please include the description in Statement of Interest as requested and the words used will counted toward the designated word count.
35. Is the Project Development Report the same as the monthly progress report mentioned on Page 9, Paragraph F, Administration?
Yes, the Project Development Report is a progress report as mentioned in the noted citation.
36. Since most of these disciplines are listed as required team members under the ‘Project Team’ section on Page 5, how can their selection be part of the Plan of Services?
Please clarify your question.
37. Is a licensed real estate appraiser required on the consultant team?
A licensed real estate appraiser will not be required on the team. This question is addressed with a rewrite of this bullet in Addendum II.
38. Are three similar projects requiredunder Firm Experience, or do we list ‘up to three’ as stated in the RFQ?
Three or less
39. Since a fee breakdown is not required at this time, will designation of those team members that are certified DBE’s suffice in demonstrating compliance with the DBE goals for the purpose of DC selection?
Yes, that will suffice
40. Under ‘Invitation,’ are the ‘implementation documents’ referenced in the answer to a previous question Construction Documents (i.e., drawings and specifications) or Preliminary Design documents only?
Preliminary design documents.
41. Will preference be given to teams with members that have already been involved in the project as volunteers or consultants because of their existing knowledge and insights?
No, being involved in the project prior is not part of the Evaluation Criteria (#7 page 11 and Addendum II).
42. Will the selection committee include any university officials, any police representatives, or any foundation representatives?
We are not sharing information about the selection committee.
43. How will the neighboring communities be involved during the master planning and design.
As part of the masterplanning process, we expect the DC to reach out to the community for their input.
44. Can you elaborate on the anticipated interaction between the team’s marketing/public relations professional and the “others” who will be providing web design/hosting, as described on p. 5?
The DC is expected to interface seamlessly on marketing and design materials with The Friends of The Underline and County staff .
45. The document states in #6 section “C” that consultants must “include a statement regarding the current availability of each proposed team member, percentage of time each person will be dedicated to the project, and hourly rates for each. Provide information on sub-contracted team members: name of company, core competency, team member.” Given this statement, are we correct in assuming that you only require % of time dedicated to the project and hourly ratesfor the prime consultant, and not for our subcontractors?
Yes, you are correct.
46. In #6 section “B” the RFQ asks for a list of relevant awards/honors, as well as primary contact info for “each” (we assume “each” refers to all sub-consultants on our team). Are the words in the award list and the contact info included within the 500 word count limit for section B?
The word count includes all the requested information.
47. There is a budget of $500,000 stated. Can you please clarify what portfolio of the scope this includes? Is it for the Master Plan, or the Master Plan including the implementation documents for the Underline and Phase I? Also, is the $500,000 intended to include or exclude team expenses?
The $500,00 includes masterplan, implementation documents for two demonstration projects and team expenses.
48. Assuming that the Implementation documents for The Underline and Phase 1 follow the 6 month timeframe for the Master Plan, can you please provide insight on the schedule and more specific deliverable requirements for the early implementation portion of the project?
We have a masterplan schedule defined per the RFQ. After the masterplan is completed, our goal is to secure funding to begin construction along the corridor as early as possible which is 2016.
49. What do you see the role of the Architect for this project? If a Landscape Architecture / Urban Design Firm is leading the project, are we allowed to omit including an Architect?
You may omit an architect from the team but we recommend inclusion. See Addendum II for rewrite of Project Team.
50. What is the role of the Marketing/PR professional? Are they to be part of the lead DC’s contract, or will they be contracted separately?
If you already have staff on board in this role, that will satisfy the requirement. Please see previous answer to similar question.
51. Can an architect lead the work cooperatively with a landscape architect, urban designer/planner, horticulturist and engineers?
We see this project with a landscape design lead. If however, you can build a compelling argument otherwise, please include that information in your RFQ and we will defer this answer to the selection committee.
52. Due to their previous consulting or volunteer work with you, have any potential RFQ responders and their team members already had access to the other extensive studies you mention in the Q&A addendum under #6?
Studies #2-4 have not been made available to any parties on The Underline committee or RFQ responders. Study #5 the Kimley-Horn MPath Masterplan and the MDT’s M-Path Improvements (ongoing), and the University Station overpass are public documents, and, as such are available to anyone.
53. Does the $500,000 budget exclude the survey?
A survey is not included in the scope. So the $500,000 does not include a survey
54. Who will identify the demonstration project/ station for which preliminary design is to be developed (in addition to the Brickell Station), the design team or the organizers?
Both the design team and the organizers based on studies that are being done now.
55. Usually DBE requirements are for design type projects and not planning or master planning projects because it is very difficult to find a way to portion out 20% of a master planning exercise. For this project, will the DBE requirement only apply to the actual design and implementation portion?
We have modified the DBE requirements in an addendum published and shared on 12/10/14. The addendum now reads:
For this contract, the master planning portion of services have NO DBE requirements.
The schematic design services related to the Phase I two demonstration projects (page 1) have a Stated Goal for participation by DBE firms is twenty-percent (20%).
56. Can you please clarify if the DBE requirements are to be met during the Master Plan stage, or in the early implementation documents stage, or both?
(ie. If the fee budget for the Master Plan is $500,000, does this mean that $100,000 must go to DBE sub-consultants?)
Please see the answer to #55 above.
57. One answer I read online said that the $500,000 fee is meant to cover both the full master plan AND the implementation of the two initial phase projects. By “implementation”, do you mean biddable 100% Construction Documents for those two projects? Or do you mean more developed Schematic Design level material to allow fund-raising, community presentations, early coordination with county and city.
We mean schematic design
58. Can you give me a sense of what you are looking for in schematic design for the Phase I implementation projects?
Please see answer to #57. We would also like to see dimensions noted in the schematic designs.
59. As you know the RFP went out 30 days ahead of the due date and the recent holidays took a good chunk out of that time. Please consider extending the due date until at least a week or two after the holidays. Speaking for ourselves, we will not be able to get our team together and make a reasonable submittal given the short notice.
We have extended the submission due date to January 7th per Addendum III. We hope you will submit an RFQ.
60. Further clarification of Questions #46. Please confirm that B. Firm Descriptionrefers to a description of the Prime Landscape Architect only. It is a bit confusing as it states provide “primary contacts… for each” (making it sound like you may be referring to the prime + subs).
You are correct, we only want the contact(s) from the lead firm.