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Miami Resident’s Love Letter to The Underline

May 21, 2024
by Meg Daly

I am living life’s third act in a city that has chosen to drive aggressively and often in an uncaring and dangerous way. Each day, I saw my options diminish for quiet enjoyment of our community because the mere thought of navigating US1, let alone crossing it as a pedestrian, has become a daunting prospect, diminishing my exercise and outdoor enjoyment options.

My husband, Ernesto, and I used, what was then, the M path for our workouts without the benefit of much enjoyment except to relish the fact that we were not sitting in the traffic that inched beside us on US1.

I eagerly participated in the community outreach of The Underline and advocated to anyone in government who would listen that this was worth supporting with our tax dollars. When I ran into Meg Daly in the community, I couldn’t help but express my admiration, telling her that I aspired to be just like her when I “grew up” – a woman with vision, drive, and unwavering persistence!

I did not think the Underline would be a reality before my last act.

Today, I write to you to celebrate what has been accomplished! Each day I head out and forget that traffic is inching on US1 as I work out. I am too busy looking at the landscaping, the presence of animal life, and enjoying the camaraderie of all the many others living The Underline experience spanning all ages and abilities. Some are there for leisure and exercise, while others, wearing uniforms or work attire, utilize this corridor to commute to and from their jobs. 

The Underline represents Miami’s evolution, a transition from immaturity to an acknowledgment of the imperative need for accessible and functional parks, as well as pedestrian, wheelchair, and bicycle mobility.

Ernesto and I, despite our limited income, realized on our Underline walk today that we can contribute $1.00 a day towards supporting this dream turned reality-less than the cost of a ventanita cortadito. 

Congratulations Meg, Friends of the Underline, Miami Dade County, City of Miami, City of Coral Gables, City of South Miami, and most importantly to each of us living in Miami Dade County. 

With heartfelt appreciation and warm regards,

Patricia H Pino

Learn how you can support The Underline here.