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The Underline Connections: Building a Better Miami-Dade: Expanding Mobility and Connectivity for All

June 9, 2023
by The Underline

In February, Miami-Dade County board of county commission unanimously approved to use $3 Million in surtax (PTP) funds as a 50% contribution/match to potential $3 Million from the State of Florida to plan and design a future 22 mile bike path alongside the under construction South Dade Bus Rapid Transit route. The Citizens Independent Transportation Trust (CITT) recommended the use of surtax funds saying: “At Dadeland South Metrorail Station Kiss and Ride facility, the trail will connect to the future Underline and will allow for pedestrians and bicyclists to connect to the Miami River in downtown Miami,” Citizens’ Trust Executive Director Javier Betancourt noted in a written report to commissioners before their vote.  

The 10-mile Underline’s northern terminus is at the Miami River in downtown Brickell. The southern terminus is at Dadeland South and will connect to the future South Dade Trail creating a 32 mile bike path from downtown to the southernmost tip of Miami Dade County. Why is this important?  Miami-Dade County is one of the most dangerous places to walk and bike in the United States. The cost of housing plus transportation also makes our hometown one of the most expensive to work and live in.  

The expansion of mass transit coupled with a bike/pedestrian system will provide equitable access to mobility options for over half of our county’s population. The need is great. As a community we must support the completion of the SMART Plan/Project expansion corridors north, south east and west and the expansion of multi modal transportation options throughout Miami-Dade County.