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Friends of The Underline and Fountainhead launch an Open Call!

January 18, 2022
by The Underline

Friends of The Underline and Fountainhead are launching an open call for Fountainhead Studios current artists and alumni to create a one-time participatory art activation in the first-half mile of The Underline in Brickell. Designed to engage the community around a state-of-the-art public space, this open call welcomes performances, experiences, and other visual art activation not requiring a permanent installation. Underwritten by Cornelia T. Bailey Foundation, this project will take place during daylight hours on a single day, accessible to people of all ages and abilities, on a date to be determined in conjunction with The Underline, between March and April 2022.

An informational webinar and walk-through will be held on January 19 from 10:30 to 11:30 AM and 4:00 to 5:00 PM. Artists will be notified by February 28, 2022.