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UPDATED RFP: Help The Underline Stay Beautiful, Together!

July 15, 2020
by The Underline

The Underline Management Organization Issues ADDENDUM 2 to RFP 20-1, the Request For Proposals (“RFP”) For Grounds Maintenance and Porter Services

The Underline Management Organization (d/b/a The Underline Conservancy) has issued Addendum 2 to RFP 20-1 for the RFP for Grounds Maintenance and Porter Services. This addendum makes minor changes for clarification purposes only. Please click on the links below to see updated information contained in Addendum 1 and Addendum 2:

  1. Addendum 1
  2. Addendum 2
  3. The Updated RFP that reflects both addenda
  4. a PDF of Site Tour Questions

All Proposals are due Friday, July 17, 2020 by no later than 5pm. Please consult the RFP for all other important details.