May 9, 2017
by The Underline
The Underline has received a very generous and hard-fought appropriation in the State of Florida budget for construction of Phase II of The Underline. The budget will now be approved or vetoed by the Governor. We need your help NOW to discourage Governor Rick Scott from vetoing this appropriation. Here’s how:
1. TODAY send the email below to Florida Governor Rick Scott (and ask your friends, family, committee and co-workers and followers):
2. Email to:
Subject Line: I support The Underline project in Miami
Email copy:
Dear Governor Scott, thank you for your support of the many positive initiatives in Florida and Miami-Dade County. I enthusiastically support The Underline project and encourage you to approve the funding for the project in Miami-Dade County in this year’s state of Florida budget.
The Underline 10-mile urban trail below Metrorail will improve public safety, relieve traffic and congestion, be a tourism draw and destination, create new jobs, increase property values with a substantial return on investment and improve public health with improved mobility and exercise options.
Thank you, Your Name and Address.
3. AND/OR call (850) 488-7146