May 27, 2015
by The Underline
It is my pleasure to share with you Baptist Health South Florida’s support for The Underline project that will transform 10 miles of land beneath Metrorail from the Miami River to Dadeland South into a world-class linear park and urban trail.
We would like to commend the Friends of The Underline, the Miami-Dade County Parks, Recreation and Open Spaces and Transit Departments for their effort and dedication to enhance the health and wellness of our community with this creative project that spotlights the need and value of improving activity and mobility by connecting people to parks, public transit, and open spaces.
We believe The Underline has the potential to transform the overall health of our city and the region, making it more livable by providing a 10-mile walking and biking safe haven for residents and visitors, including our employees and their families. The Underline will be linked to multiple neighborhoods featuring various innovative parks, landscape, public space design, educational programming, art installations and other amenities. Set along US1, on one of the County’s busiest corridors, it will alleviate traffic by offering biking, walking and transit as alternatives to driving.
We are proud to be represented on the Friends of The Underline’s committee and to have their group participate at Baptist Health South Florida’s many community events. Thank you for your commitment to improving the health and wellness of our community.
Jessi Berrin
Director, Baptist Health South Florida