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AIA Miami endorses The Underline

April 28, 2015
by The Underline

On March 3, 2015, the Board of Directors voted unanimously to endorse The Underline on behalf of AIA Miami.

As part of our evaluation criteria we assessed The Underline’s potential impact on the community and concluded it aligns with our values as design professionals, and our aspirations as citizens and neighbors.  Architects are at the forefront of designing livable communities that positively impact public health, create attractive destinations to bike and walk, and demonstrate innovative strategies for preserving our natural environment. We believe The Underline has the potential to embody these qualities and we look forward to its realization.

…. The Miami Center for Architecture and Design (MCADAIA Miami Support Letter) is a resource for the community in service of design for our mutually shared built environment …

We commend your leadership and look forward to periodic updates on the progress of the project.


Cheryl H. Jacobs
Executive Vice President
AIA Miami