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Tropic Magazine: Trail Blazing in South Florida

March 31, 2015
by The Underline

By Jillian Whitaker

While trains busily rumble along Dade County’s Metrorail route, the land directly underneath it remain significantly underutilized.  Miami resident Meg Daly, who was forced to take the Metrorail after a biking accident broke both of her elbows in 2012,saw the potential  of this undeveloped corridor.  “I thought there is so much space here.  This should be our High Line” she says, referring to Manhattans’ linear park build on an unused section of the New York Central Railroad.

It turns out, others agreed. Since then, Meg has partnered with the Miami-Dade County Parks and Recreation and Transit Departments as well as local architects, designers, uban planners and more to form a non-profit organization dedicated to transforming the 10-mile strip of land that runs directly underneath the Metrorail from the Miami River to Dadeland South Station.  Fittingly, the project is called The Underline, and it aims to connect communities, improve pedestrian and bicyclist safety, create green space with restored natural habitats and provide a canvas for artistic expression.

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