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Miami Herald: Angels Among Us

January 5, 2015
by The Underline

On December 25th, Christmas Day, The Miami Herald honored Meg Daly, The Underline founder, as one of the “Angels” who make a difference in our community.  Congratulations to Meg and the many angels who are “driven by a love of community and desire to serve others.”

Meg Daly, founder of Friends of The Underline, has a vision for Miami-Dade – creating the longest linear park along underutilized land beneath Metrorail.  The park would stretch 10 miles, from Brickell to Dadeland, and welcome pedestrians, merchants and bicycle riders.  Daly says she’s obesessed with her project: “This is all I do, 24-7,” she told the Editorial Board.  And, it’s great that county government has been a willing partner to make it happen.

Click here for the complete article.
