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Miami-Dade County Commission Unanimously Endorses The Underline

November 28, 2014
by The Underline


WHEREAS, the Friends of The Underline (formerly the GreenLink) have proposed an initiative to transform various lands underneath the MetroRail right-of-way into a contiguous ten-mile walkway, bike path, linear park, and transit mobility corridor from the Miami River north of the Brickell MetroRail Station to the Dadeland South MetroRail Station known as “The Underline”; and

WHEREAS, this project is in keeping with the 2008 Miami-Dade County Parks and Open Spaces System Master Plan, which serves as the County’s framework for building a system of parks, public spaces, natural and cultural areas connected by greenways, waterways, trails and streets designated as linear parks in order to create a healthier, greener and a more economically vibrant place to live, work and play; and

WHEREAS, this Board supports the goals of The Underline project in that it promotes health and well-being of County residents and visitors by providing a walkable, and bikable corridor that promotes mass transit opportunities ; and

WHEREAS, The Underline will provide a world-class mulitmodal corridor and linear park modeled after successful linear parks such as the High Line in New York City and the 606 Trail in Chicago; and

WHEREAS, The Underline would provide for a widened, straightened and lighted path, improved crosswalks, and transformation of the existing M-Path into a world-class public park space providing recreational options for pedestrians and cyclists in the heart of the urban core; and

WHEREAS, the development of this public asset into a linear park would serve the community with purposeful green space and serve as a catalyst for meaningful mixed-use transit-oriented development of the eight Miami-Dade Transit MetroRail stations along the proposed path; and

WHEREAS, the development of transit-oriented development at these MetroRail stations will create an urban environment for commuters, residents, workers, and visitors that integrates quality amenities and enhances lifestyle and mobility by providing easily-accessible transit connections to commercial, cultural and residential venues throughout the County; and

WHEREAS, the project will create positive changes for the local community and environment whereby, according to the TrailBenefit estimate provided by Miami-Dade Parks, Recreation and Open Spaces Department, this ten-mile corridor and the expected enhanced transportation-oriented developments will reduce or eliminate 1.4 million motorized trips and 630 tons of carbon dioxide emissions, and save 60,000 gallons of fuel; and

WHEREAS, the project will result in improvements to social, environmental, and economic conditions alongside U.S. 1, one of Miami-Dade’s most highly trafficked corridors; and

WHEREAS, The Underline will provide an urban restoration of natural habitats for plant and animal life in a park setting; and

WHEREAS, Friends of the Underline have been working with Miami-Dade Transit, Miami-Dade Parks, Recreation and Open Spaces, Miami-Dade Public Works and Waste Management, Florida Department of Transportation, the Miami-Dade Metropolitan Planning Organization, the University of Miami Schools of Architecture, Business and Medicine, and municipalities including the City of Miami, City of Coral Gables, and Village of Pinecrest; and

WHEREAS, as the land is primarily MetroRail right-of-way, the County should take a leadership role in planning and promoting The Underline project; and

WHEREAS, on July 1, 2014, the County Mayor prepared a “Report on a Program to Use the Area Underneath the Metrorail Guideway for a Mobility/Recreational Corridor and Greenway (i.e. The “Greenlink”); and

WHEREAS, this Report outlines the history of The Underline project and demonstrates the County Mayor’s engagement and commitment to the concept of The Underline project; and

WHEREAS, this Board shares the enthusiasm for this project and wishes that the County Mayor or County Mayor’s designee prepare an additional report which examines the issues outlined in the July 1, 2014 Report in greater detail, including but not limited to how this project can actually be implemented; and

WHEREAS, this Board wishes to see an implementation plan prepared by the Mayor or Mayor’s designee which provides more specific information and puts forth in detail how The Underline project can be realized, the cost, available funding sources, and a timeline for construction,

NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED BY THE BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS OF MIAMI-DADE COUNTY, FLORIDA, that the County Mayor or County Mayor’s designee is directed to provide a report to the Board of County Commissioners within sixty days containing a possible implementation plan for the creation of a ten-mile linear park along the MetroRail corridor consistent with The Underline (formerly the GreenLink) proposal.

The Prime Sponsor of the foregoing resolution is Commissioner Jose “Pepe” Diaz and the Co-Sponsors are Chairwoman Rebeca Sosa, Vice Chair Lynda Bell, Commissioner Bruno A. Barreiro, Commissioner Esteban L. Bovo, Jr., Commissioner Audrey M. Edmonson, Commissioner Sally A. Heyman, Commissioner Barbara J. Jordan, Commissioner Jean Monestime, Commissioner Dennis C. Moss, Sen. Javier D. Souto, Commissioner Xavier L. Suarez and Commissioner Juan C. Zapata.

Miami Dade County Commissioner Pepe DiazThe Chairperson thereupon declared the resolution duly passed and adopted this 7th day of October, 2014. This resolution shall become effective ten (10) days after the date of its adoption unless vetoed by the Mayor, and if vetoed, shall become effective only upon an override by this Board.