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The Power of Play

August 21, 2024
by Meg Daly

When husband and wife Juan Mullerat and Megan McLaughlin, longtime Underline supporters, were looking for a new place for their family to live, proximity to safe open green spaces and trails were a top priority. We had the chance to discuss the impact of The Underline on their life, keep reading to see what they had to say.

Why is having access to a playground nearby important for your family or other families in the community?

As local urban planners, my wife and I have always appreciated how thoughtfully designed public spaces can bring a community together, boost connectivity, and enhance everyone’s quality of life. The Underline and its Hammock Playground are perfect examples of this. Just a block from our home, it’s a safe and welcoming spot where our children can play, meet new friends, and enjoy the city right in our own backyard.

When choosing our new home, we knew it was important to find a place that offered both easy access to transit and open spaces—finding both in one location felt like hitting the jackpot. These spaces are more than just conveniences; they encourage our kids to stay active, make new friends, and feel part of a vibrant community. It’s where they can unwind, explore, and grow, all while enjoying a lifestyle that’s free from the stress of car-dependent living.

These playgrounds aren’t just amenities to us—they’re vital parts of a healthy environment where our children can develop their social skills and thrive within a lively, supportive neighborhood.

How has having access to a free community space and playground changed how your family plays?

Having The Underline Hammock Playground so close to our home has transformed how our family connects with our community and the world around us. In a city like Miami, where open space is so limited—just about 3 acres of parkland per 1,000 residents, far below the national average—The Underline is a game changer. It’s not just a playground; it’s a vital space where our community can come together to play, relax, and bond.

For us, The Underline is more than just a great place for our kids to play; it’s an essential part of our everyday lives. With our children’s school and our office just a five-minute walk from The Underline and Vizcaya Station, we’re able to blend outdoor fun and easy urban commuting seamlessly into our routine. As urban planners at Plusurbia Design, we’ve always believed that well-designed public spaces can change how we live, work, and play. The Underline is proof of that—offering a safe, inviting space that encourages us to be active, helps us rely less on our cars, and strengthens our ties to the community.

What do you value most about having access to a free, accessible playground?

What we love most about The Underline Hammock Playground is how close it is, how well it’s taken care of, and its beautiful design. It’s a place where kids of all abilities can play and explore, perfectly reflecting the principles of universal design we’re passionate about in our planning and design work. As a family that values walkability and living close to transit, having this playground just a short walk away is a huge plus. It lets us live out the urbanism and sustainability values we believe in, both personally and professionally.

The upkeep is something we notice and appreciate, too—The Underline’s staff is often around, making sure everything is in top shape. As designers, we can’t help but admire the attention to detail and how the playground fits so well into the natural surroundings. It’s a space that’s functional and pleasing to the eye, creating a perfect blend of play and nature.

How does The Underline make the Miami community a better place?

The Underline is a real game-changer for Miami, transforming the underused space beneath the Metrorail into a vibrant, linear park that encourages walking, cycling, and community connections. For our family, it feels like a green lifeline that links us to the city, our work, and our kids’ schools, making everything more accessible and sustainable.

As urban planners who embrace a transit-oriented lifestyle, with our children’s school and office just a five-minute walk from a Metrorail Station, we experience the benefits of The Underline and Miami’s public transportation daily. It’s a perfect example of how thoughtful urban planning and design can improve public spaces, help us rely less on cars, and bring the community closer together.

Why is private philanthropy essential to our park?

Private philanthropy is important for keeping parks like The Underline Hammock Playground vibrant and thriving. While public funding helps cover the basics, it’s those private contributions that make all the difference—they’re what allow us to add unique features, keep up regular maintenance, and host community events that make these spaces feel truly special.

As urban planners, we’ve seen firsthand how this partnership between the public and private sectors helps create and sustain high-quality public spaces. It ensures that parks like these remain well-maintained, lively, and accessible to everyone, making them treasured parts of our urban landscape. We’re incredibly grateful for the role philanthropy plays in making our city a better place for all of us.

Join Juan and Megan’s family in supporting the power of play! Your contribution helps us connect kids and the broader community to safe public spaces, enriching lives and fostering a sense of community. Click here to learn more about how you can support The Underline.