January 10, 2023
by The Underline
Long time supporter and cycling enthusiast Alex Larmier will lead an exciting series of bike rides this year for The Underline! Register to ride along and see Overtown, Wynwood, Underline Phase 2 neighborhoods, Coconut Grove, and Downtown like you’ve never seen them before.
Sunday, January 15 – Overtown/ MLK Ride
Join us as we guide participants through Overtown, on of Miami’s most historic areas. Traditionally an African American neighborhood, Overtown is filled with historic venues that help tell the story of Miami and segregation. Churches, museums, theaters and historic homes are all highlighted on this great ride. Meet at the Brickell Backyard on The Underline in front of the metrorail station entrance.
To register, please visit https://www.theunderline.org/events/martin-luther-king-weekend-overtown-bike-ride/.
Sunday, March 26 – Miami Music Week/ Ride through Wynwood/Murals
Wynwood is always the place to be, but especially during Miami Music Week. Join us on this artful ride to ever-evolving, ever-changing Wynwood. Meet at the Brickell Backyard on The Underline in front of the metrorail station entrance.
To register, please visit https://www.eventbrite.com/e/miami-music-week-bike-ride-through-wynwood-tickets-487285402757?aff=Website.
Sunday, May 21 – Montgomery Botanical Center (BWCG)
The MBC is a research center and lush garden of international palms and cycads located here in Coral Gables. Bring your family and come see the full Monty. Tour starts and ends at the Montgomery Botanical Center, 11901 Old Cutler Road.
More information and tickets at https://coralgablesmuseum.org/portfolio-item/gables-bike-tours/
Sunday, November 19 – Discover Coconut Grove (BWCG)
Coconut Grove is one of Miami’s oldest neighborhoods and is a diverse mix of old and new. This tour visits historic sites, tree-lined streets and bayfront parks for a complete look at one of Miami’s most desirable areas. Tour starts at the Coral Gables Museum, 285 Aragon Avenue.
More information and tickets at https://coralgablesmuseum.org/portfolio-item/gables-bike-tours/