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Jose Gonzalez shares Phase 2 Construction Updates

January 19, 2022
by The Underline

Jose Gonzalez, who works with Miami-Dade County on The Underline Phase 2 Project shares new updates on Phase 2 Construction.

Video Subtitles: Hello my name is Jose Gonzalez, I am working with Miami-Dade County construction department on #TheUnderline Phase II. Let’s see what’s going on with the project. As part of The Underline Phase II project, you will see a lot of heavy equipment like the one behind me that belongs to FPL who is installing a new power line that goes from Bird Road to Brickell connecting to a new substation. Let’s go north toward Vizcaya station I am standing between SW 17th and 19th Avenues. And, we have made quite a bit of progress in this section of the project. We have constructed our drainage system in this area. FPL has buried their conduit below ground 30 feet deep and we have started the relocation of our trees and as you can see we started laying out our paths already for the future pedestrian walkway and bike paths. As part of The Underline Phase II project, we did an evaluation of the existing soil and we did find some areas that higher contamination levels, so by adding clean fill to the site and mixing it, we are able to reduce the contamination level on the project site. I am located here between SW 16th and 17th Avenues. As you see on my left side, we have started to plant relocated trees from other areas of the project which will be complemented with over 100,000 new plantings on the project. This area over here is going to be our beautiful new park which will contain a bioswale which is a (green infrastructure) percolation project to assist with runoff water. If you look to my right you see this wide area which is our future shared use path (for cyclists and pedestrians) and over there is the underground conduit (for FPL) which is the underground power system which has already been installed with our drainage systems. Note: The palms in this video are a few of many that were relocated from another segment of Phase II. They were evaluated to be healthy enough to go through the relocation process. We will be adding over 100,000 additional native plants and trees in Phase II. 🌳 #UnderlinePhase2

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