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Underline Conservancy: Phase I Maintenance Alert

January 6, 2022
by The Underline

The Underline’s Phase I has a number of areas that have significant green paint coverage, i.e. the Sound Stage, the mid-block crosswalk at SW 9th Street, the running track and the flex court in the gym. The material below the paint is concrete. When Phase I was delivered to The Underline Conservancy in Feb. 2021 to take over maintenance, management and security, the paint in some areas was already cracking and peeling. Since the construction of this and future phases is procured and contracted through Miami-Dade County’s Department of Transportation and Public Works, the Conservancy reported the deficiencies beginning in February and throughout last year. We are awaiting a final schedule to cure the deficiency to return Phase I’s condition to the level it should be. In this picture, you can see areas that paint has been removed to be reapplied. We will keep you posted with details and schedule once received by the contractor.

Photo credit: Harry Gottlieb 2022