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FPL Construction in Phase 2

January 6, 2022
by Meg Daly

The work Florida Power & Light Company (FPL) is currently conducting on the Metrorail’s M-Path is the culmination of years of planning between FPL, the City of Miami and the county’s Underline Project.

As Miami continues to grow at a high rate, so does its demand for energy. To help meet that growing demand in the Miami urban core, FPL is installing new underground transmission lines along the M-Path from Bird Road to 15th Road in the Brickell area. This was requested by the community and supported financially in part by the City of Miami. 

The FPL project will overlap the Underline’s phase 2 project as this was planned so the two projects could efficiently be completed simultaneously to reduce the inconvenience to residents, minimize road closures and bring improvements to the community quicker.

As part of FPL’s project, the company financially supported the Tree Trust Fund for Miami-Dade County to mitigate canopy replacement per requirements pursuant to Chapter 24 of the Code of Miami-Dade County (MDC). As required, MDC will complement the project by adding 100,000 native plants and trees that The Underline will be planting as part of their phase 2.

FPL will be directional boring along this section to minimize trenching.  Pipes will be pulled into the sections as the boring is completed. FPL will then install the cables and make all connections.  Please note, all power lines and connections will be underground. This is a more resilient, sustainable solution to power our communities in Downtown Miami and the surrounding areas while complimenting the aesthetic enhancements that will be part of The Underline Project.