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Monocle Magazine: The Underline Miami and James Corner Field Operations snag Monocle Magazine 2021 Best Urban Design Intervention Award

May 3, 2021
by The Underline

Using lessons learned when pioneering New York’s famous High Line, landscape-architecture studio James Corner Field Operations has taken things to a new level on The Underline in Miami. It does a lot with a little, taking under-utilised land beneath the city’s elevated railway and improving quality of life in a sunny city where most residents use cars to get around. Click here to see more Design Awards 2021 winners in the May 2021 issue of Monocle Magazine. Read below about the prestigious Monocle Magazine Design Awards.

About Monocle Magazine: “Monocle magazine was launched in 2007 to provide a briefing on global affairs, business, culture, design and much more. We believed that there was a globally minded audience of readers who were hungry for opportunities and experiences beyond their national borders. Today, Monocle is published 10 times a year out of our HQs at Midori House and Dufourstrasse 90 in Zürich, and we now sell more than 80,000 copies per issue and have 24,000 subscribers and growing. Monocle, keeping an eye and an ear on the world.”

About the Monocle Magazine Design Awards: Weeks of conversations with our correspondents across the globe and hours of interviewing designers from Stockholm to Seoul have resulted in the inaugural Monocle Design Awards. We’ve enlisted our international photographers and journalists to tell these stories but it’s the world-class body of work that is the real hero. Having spent the past 14 years profiling the globe’s most interesting architects, urban planners, graphic designers, creative consultants and furniture-makers, we felt that it was time to recognise this talent more formally. Monocle’s focus has always been on telling stories about improving quality of life and creating more liveable cities. These awards pay tribute to this approach and highlight how enjoyable and useful good design is in enhancing our lives.