November 21, 2019
by The Underline
This Give Miami Day (Thurs, Nov. 21), Friends of The Underline and Pinnacle’s Art in Public Places Program are teaming up to give Miami commuters a brighter morning commute: the pair have commissioned local contemporary dancer and choreographer Pioneer Winter to coordinate a surprise roadside performance along US-1 South and Bird Road during morning rush hour from 7-8:30 a.m. The Pioneer Winter creates avant-garde, socially conscious and experimental dance to prompt conversations about social change, The performance will showcase future programming on The Underline when the first phase opens in Brickell in just eight months. Programming will include everything from live music and meditation to nature-inspired educational programming to connect children and adults to The Underlne’s natural landscape. DONATE TO THE UNDERLINE ON GIVE MIAMI DAY HERE.
US-1 South and SW 32nd Ave. near Coconut Grove/Coral Gables
About Pinnacle
Established in 1997, Miami-based Pinnacle is a full-service real estate development company that develops, builds, leases and owns affordably priced and luxury-styled apartment homes. With a development portfolio surpassing 9,000 units concentrated in Florida, Mississippi, and Texas, the Pinnacle family of developers has grown into one of the most successful developers of quality rental housing in the United States.
About The Underline
The Underline is a planned 10-mile urban trail, linear neighborhood park and public art destination that will span from the Miami River, north of Brickell Metrorail station, to Dadeland South. The Underline project will feature dedicated bike and pedestrian paths, amenities, art, programming, lighting, native vegetation as well as safety features and improvements at road crossings. The Underline will be built in phases, the first of which will begin in the Brickell area. For more information visit, and/or follow them on social on Facebook, Twitter and Instagram @theunderlinemia.
About Pioneer Winter
Winter will organize 30 dancers of varying ages, races, body types and abilities (including wheelchair-bound dancers) for the performance, which is brought to life by Pinnacle’s Art in Public Places Program. Created and implemented by Louis Wolfson III, the program works with up-and-coming and established artists alike to provide high-quality public art to brighten the community. Pinnacle most recently commissioned artist Kyle Holbrook to design a mural depicting historic key leaders in Liberty City and artist Rey Jaffet to create Miami’s tallest mural near the airport. Pinnacle launched temporary public art on The Underline with six local artists who unveiled artfully-designed MetroRail columns in Brickell in November 2018.