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Miami Today: Saddle Up and Bike to Work

March 7, 2019
by The Underline

Javier Betancourt, Executive Director of the Citizen’s Independent Transportation Trust (CITT) shares his story of biking to work as a way to get fit, support the environment and being car free.

“This past Friday, March 1, marked Bike305’s Bike to Work Day in Miami. On that day one year ago, I rode my bike to work for the first time alongside hundreds of other commuters, a practice I have managed to maintain for 365 days and counting.

What at first began as a simple effort to lead by example by practicing what I preach as an urban planner and advocate for alternative transportation quickly became a transformative lifestyle change. Much to my surprise, I began to enjoy, and actually prefer, riding my bike to work; so much so, that halfway into the year, I got rid of my car for good.

And the benefits have been enormous! I’m saving a ton of money – upward of $600 a month – on transportation expenses; I’m in the best shape of my adult life; my stress levels are down significantly, I feel more in tun with the world around me; and I can take price in knowing that I am doing my part for the environment.

Please read the rest of the op-ed in Miami Today online. Thanks Javier for sharing your story of how one person can make a difference!