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Underline Progress Update January-August 2017

August 27, 2017
by The Underline

In partnership with Miami-Dade County’s Transportation and Public Works Department and the 501C3 non-profit Friends of The Underline, an amazing amount of progress has been made on the 10-mile linear park and urban trail this year. Many people have asked for a recap of this year’s events. Since so much has happened, we have put the events into a schedule to summarize. Email us anytime at if you would like more information or if you have comments.

Friends of The Underline advocates for public and private dollars for activation and events, design, construction and ongoing maintenance of the future facility. All government construction grants for the project are directed to Miami-Dade County, not Friends of The Underline. Our organization receives only private grants and donations and we rely on our supporters to donate and volunteer to help us continue operations, events and pay design fees. Please visit to donate and/or volunteer.


Public Meeting Brickell Backyard 30% design presentations. Designed by award-winning James Corner Field Operations, The Underline’s Brickell Backyard (from the Miami River to Coral Way) 30% design proposals were presented at a public meeting at Southside Elementary. You can see the design proposals here plus the public and agency comments and responses here.

Temporary art installations unveiled. Curated by Miami Dade County Art in Public Places and funded by a generous ArtPlace America grant, four temporary art installations were placed along The Underline inviting public engagement and interaction. The installations were featured in publications across the country. See more details and press roundup here.

Underline Cycling Club Rides take place throughout the year. Each ride is free to the public, begins on the current MPath and has a destination to a neighboring community. Rides are supported by a Baptist Health South Florida grant. Find and sign up for rides on Eventbrite.

MARCH 2017

Events.  Of the many events we produced this year, UnderLounge & Bike 305 Bike The Underline was one of the most popular. With free live music, food, exercise and art classes and more, there was something for everyone of the 500 attendees. Thanks to our Young Professionals who sponsored this fun day!

Construction Studies. Brickell Backyard environmental, geotechnical and utility surveys underway.

APRIL 2017

Accolades. The Underline was chosen as one of Fast Company’s World Changing ideas.

Partnership. Friends of The Underline and the Nature Conservancy announce their partnership. Read about it here.

Exercise Programming. Underline bi-monthly Yoga classes at Brickell City Centre begin supported by a Baptist Health South Florida grant. Find Yoga classes on Eventbrite.

MAY 2017

State of Florida funding. With the leadership of Senator Rene Garcia and Representative Jose “Felix” Diaz, and hundreds of letters from Underline supporters, The Underline project received a $5 Million appropriation from the State of Florida legislature. These funds are directed to Miami-Dade County for construction and are in addition to 2016 SunTrail grants and a $2 Million appropriation for a total of over $11 million from the State of Florida. Read more here.

JUNE 2017

Health Impact Assessment commissioned. Underline Health Advisory commissions Health Impact Assessment to ensure The Underline optimizes community health. See the final report here.

Brickell Backyard design advances. The design advances to 60% design with review by Miami Dade County Transportation & Public Works, Parks, Recreation and Open Spaces, TPO, DERM, City of Miami, Miami River Commission, Fairchild Tropical Botanic Garden and more.

High Line Network. The Underline joins the High Line network, a group of 19 industrial reuse projects in North America that are rethinking our public places.  Read about the projects and the coalition here.


South Miami Hospital reveals plans to build a Healing Garden next to the future Underline.  Construction will begin in 2018. See plans in SoMi Magazine.


Many people have asked about proposed crosswalk improvements along US1. As one of the most dangerous places to walk and bike in the US, our crosswalk proposals require substantial modifications to all crossings to improve public safety.

The minimum interventions we propose are: realign path approach to improve visibility and orientation; early indicators for approaching path users, high impact markings and elevation change; minimum 6 foot buffer from US1 travel lanes and crosswalk; widen crosswalks to 18 feet; no right hand turn on red for cross street right turn movement and; leading pedestrian interval for Underline crossing. Find a visual depiction Underline proposed modifications here. To see FDOT’s early study of all crosswalks along the Underline from the Miami River to Dadeland South, click here and here.

Thank you, Friends of The Underline Board of Directors and Trustees. (To see our members click here).