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Planted in Miami: A Collision of Ideas

July 22, 2017
by The Underline

After self-proclaimed native, Meg Daly, broke both of her elbows in a biking accident and was forced to slow down and smell the asphalt on her walking commute to physical therapy, she got a crazy idea. Transform the unused space underneath the Metrorail into a 10 mile linear park, urban trail and living art destination called, The Underline. You might say it’s Miami’s response or ode to New York’s immensely popular, The High Line, flipped upside down.

In this interview, we talk about who was the first person she told about her “crazy idea” and how she went from never having been involved in the community to overseeing a $120 million project and what the future holds for creative public spaces in Miami. We are very excited about The Underline, the business opportunities and jobs it will create, the art and culture it will invite people to interact with and once you know more about this highly anticipated project, you will be too.

Jeanette and Alex of Planted in Miami.

Listen here now.