May 29, 2017
by The Underline
On May 1st, we thank Honorable Ileana Ros Lehtinen for recognizing The Underline’s Meg Daly in US Congress.
“Mr. Speaker, I rise to congratulate Meg Daly, who is the founder of The Underline, a wonderful 10-mile linear park and urban trail in my congressional district that will serve to connect hundreds of Americans across Miami-Dade County through safe, alternative methods of transportation.
In 2013, Meg had an unfortunate accident that broke both of her arms. Since she couldn’t drive herself to attend physical therapy, she took the Metrorail near her home and walked underneath the train tracks to reach her destination. That is when Meg took notice of the underutilized land right below the Metrorail and envisioned it s transformative potential for community mobility, positive economic impact and enhanced quality of life.
The Underline counts with overwhelming support across Miami-Dade, providing for a safe and healthy space for our community members to express themselves. From free yoga classed to artistic festivals to projects to restore Miamis urban green space, each day The Underline is getting closer to becoming what Meg envisioned”.
See the video here!