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Underline Cycling Club: FREE Parks in the City ride, roundtrip Brickell Station ending at the UnderArt Unveiling Party

January 12, 2017
by The Underline

Join us for this free, scenic 12-mile roundtrip urban ride that will begin and end at Brickell Metrorail station.  The route will pass pass through the Wynwood Art and Design districts and by Margaret Pace and Bayfront Parks. Ride will begin at noon and end at 2 PM. Sign up here.

Then, stay for the FREE ArtPlace UnderArt Opening Party from 2-5 PM where we will celebrate four public art installations along the future Underline by Miami-based artists Bhakti Baxter, Naomi Fisher, Nicolas Lobo, and Agustina Woodgate.  UnderArt will feature:

TalkArt: Interviews with each of the artists
PlayArt: Paint plein-air postcards or street art
KidArt: Creative play for kids of all ages
DogArt: Tail-wagging self-expression for your pup
UnderEats: Food to activate your inner artist

Brought to you by Friends of The Underline and Miami Dade County Cultural Affairs’ Art in Public Places and Parks, Recreation and Open Spaces departments. Temporary art installations funded by a generous ArtPlace America grant. Please consider making a tax-deductible contribution of $10/person when you register. For more info visit or email

Friends of The Underline, a 501(c)3 non-profit organization partnering with Miami Dade County Transportation and Public Works and Parks, Recreation and Open Spaces Departments, will transform the underutilized land below Miami’s Metrorail, from the Miami River (near downtown) to Dadeland South Station, into a 10-mile, world-class, linear park and living art destination directly connected to transit. You can donate and join at and follow us @theunderlinemia.