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The Underline Cycling Club Rides November 6th to Ludlam Trail

October 20, 2016
by The Underline

Biking, yoga and healthy food … what better way to spend a Sunday?

Join Friends of The Underline Cycling Club for our monthly free, family-friendly rides to explore our community.  This month, we head south to visit and experience The Underline’s important connection at the future Ludlam Trail.  

Meet up at 9:30 at Coconut Grove Metrorail station, pedals up at 10 AM and we will head to Dadeland North station for yoga, healthy treats from Eggtastic food truck and a status report on The Underline and Ludlam Trails.  Then, return round trip to Coconut Grove station or head out on the future Ludlam Trail.  Sign up here now.  

You can make a tax-deductible contribution of any amount but $10 person is recommended and very much appreciated and will be shared between Friends of The Underline and Friends of the Ludlam Trail. For more information visit or email  
