May 26, 2015
by The Underline
Friends of The Underline conducted a survey from March 5-May 15, 2015. Over six hundred surveys were distributed and collected at many events and locations as well as online during this timeframe. The information was compiled and provided to our master plan design team, James Corner Field Operations.
Visit our website for more ways to get involved soon, including upcoming public meetings on June 23rd at Vizcaya Garage and June 25th at Temple Judea, both at 6 PM. RSVP on Eventbrite.
Q1 What do you like most about the Underline?
#1 The Urban Trail 78%
#2 Artistic Expression 35%
#3 Transit Station Parks 34%
Q2 What would you use The Underline for?
#1 Leisurely bike ride 78%
#2 Leisurely walk 68%
#3 Farmer’s Market 62%
#4 Commute 50%
#5 Run 47%
Q3 What would you like to see at the Transit Stations?
#1 Restaurants & Cafes 81%
#2 Tables & Chairs 68%
#3 Public Performance Spaces 58%
Q4 What would you like to see on the Trail?
#1 Lighting 85%
#2 Bicyclists separated from pedestrians 83%
#3 Water Fountains 72%
#4 Art as part of path 58%
#5 Seating 57%
Q5 For parks, what would you like to see?
#1 Bathrooms 73%
#2 Seating 65%
#3 Playground equipment for kids 44%
Q6 How would you like intersections to be changed to improve crossing safety?
#1 Make crosswalks a different color than road 61%
#2 Add pedestrian bridges 60%
#3 Light crosswalk 52%
Q7 What landscaping what do you want to see?
#1 Shade trees 91%
#2 Native plans 73%
#3 Water-conserving landscapes 63%
Q8 Do you think a barrier is necessary between US1 and The Underline?
#1 Yes, vegetation 73%
Q9 Do you belong to a bike group?
#1 No, 77%
#2 Yes, 23%