September 3, 2014
by The Underline
On Tuesday, April 15th, the City of South Miami Commission unanimously passed a resolution endorsing the GreenLink’s (now The Underline) proposal for creating a 10-mile linear park along the MetroRail corridor. Here’s an excerpt of the resolution:
WHEREAS, the Friends of the GreenLink have proposed an initiative to transform the land underneath MetroRail into a contiguous 10-mile walking / biking / exercise path and linear park, from Brickell Station to Dadeland South Station; andWHEREAS, the GreenLink will provide a worldclass mobility corridor with widened, straightened paths and crosswalks that protect the users; andWHEREAS, land contiguous to the MetroRail is of lesser value than properties <nearby>, and introduction of a linear park greatly improves contiguous and adjacent properties; andWHEREAS, MetroRail has a capacity deficiency and the GreenLink will attract and boost ridership along the entire GreenLink tract and attract more riders to the South Miami station; andWHEREAS, South Miami has a deficit of green space needed for parks concurrency, and the GreenLink plan proposes to transform the existing M-Path into actual park space within the city limits.